You can view and manage all of your podcasts in Podpal on the My Podcasts dashboard.
Manage Your Podcasts From the My Podcasts Dashboard
The My Podcasts dashboard contains every podcast that you’ve:
Created in Podpal
Imported from another host
Been added as a team member of
Each podcast is represented by a card that contains the:
Podcast name
Show artwork
Media format
Amount of episodes
Last update by team member and time passed
By clicking the 3 dots on any podcast’s card, you can:
Add a new episode
Manage the show settings
Visit the podcast’s public profile
Clicking into any podcast card will take you to the Episodes dashboard, where you can view and edit your podcast content.
To add additional podcasts, click the plus icon on the My Podcasts dashboard.
Manage Your Podcasts From the Sidebar Podcast Switcher
The podcast you’re currently managing will show at the top of the sidebar podcast switcher.
Clicking the artwork will take you to your Podcast public profile. View and edit show settings at any time with the link below.
Clicking the arrow will activate the podcast switcher. From here you can easily jump between your podcasts or add a new one, from anywhere in the app.